Saturday, November 19, 2011

Jobs in Tata Memorial Centre Nov-2011

Tata Memorial Centre (TMC)
Parel, Mumbai – 410210

Applications are invited for the following posts : 
  1. Chief Administrative Office
  2. H.R.D. Officer
  3. Deputy Controller of Accounts
  4. Deputy Chief Security Officer (Grade-II)
  5. Assistant Medical Superintendent (Trainee)
Application Fee : Demand Draft of Rs. 300/- (Rs. 75/- for SC/ST candidates) drawn in favour of Tata Memorial Centre, Parel, Mumbai – 400012

 How to Apply : Apply online on or before  25/11/2011 at TMC website only
Details is available at

NTPC Doctors Scientist and Chemist Trainee jobs Nov-2011

National Thermal Power Limited (NTPC)
NTPC bhawan, SCOPE Complex, Core-7, Institutional Area, Lodhi Road, New Delhi - 110003

NTPC is looking  for Scientist for NTPC Energy Technology Research Alliance (NTPC) and Doctors & Assistant Chemist Trainees (ACT) for Project/ Stations :

  • Doctors :  30 posts, Salary : E2A/E3grade
  • Scientists (NETRA) : 06 posts in E2A/ E3/E4 grade 
  • Assistant Chemist Trainee : 30 posts in E1grade
Pay Scale :
  1. E1 : Rs.20600-46500
  2. E2A  : Rs.24900-50500
  3. E3 : Rs.29100-54500
  4. E4 : Rs.32900-58000

How to Apply: Elegibile candidates have to apply only through Online registraion system of NTPC up to midnight of 06/12/2011.
Please visit or  for details and apply online.